Picture : It was a fight in London where Olympique Lyon and Selma Bacha won the game against Arsenal !




In the Group D, FC Barcelona and FC Bayern München are qualified, certainly as first and second. With their wins against Benfica (6-2) and Rosengard (4-0), they count all two clubs 12 points but Barcelona has a much better goal average (+17 and Bayern +5). The ranks ate established before the last games next week.


In the Group C, Olympique Lyon has won their third consecutive game (0-1 in London Arsenal) and joined so Arsenal at the first place with 10 points each. Juventus, large winner of Zurich (5-0), has added 8 points and can hope to qualify next week in Lyon for the last match. Lyon need only a draw to qualify, but Juventus must absolutely win to be the second qualifyer with Arsenal. 


In the Group B, VFL Wolfsburg and AS Roma are already qualified with 11 and 10 points. St Pölten lost 5-0 in Rom and Slavia Prag searched a draw in Wolfsburg 0-0. The last games next week will only confirm first and second places, Wolfsburg is favorite to keep the first place.


In the Group A, Chelsea won sovereign in Vllzania (4-0) and  confirmed definitively their first place and qualification with 13 points. In the second game, Paris SG has beaten Real Madrid (2-1) and secured also their qualification with 10 points. Real (5 points) needed at the minimum a draw to continue to hope, the spanish were eliminated . Next week, the last games cannot change anything.





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