Cristiano Ronaldo broke Matthäus's span record

Cristiano Ronaldo broke another historical Euro record: for the length of time he participated in the tournament.
The gap between his first match played in the 2004 edition and his current last match is 20 years and 14 days. This is more than the previous record holder Lothar Matthäus had between his first and last games (20 years 6 days).
As Portugal continue to participate in the tournament, their leader will surely add a few more days to his record (the date mark in the table is inconclusive).
Only the two above mentioned players had a time coverage of 6 editions at the Euro (but if Cristiano played in all 6 without missing, Lothar missed two).
Another 5 players spanned 5 editions (Pepe and Modric entered this year), so their rate is around 16 years.

 PlayerCountrySpan First gameLast game
1Cristiano RonaldoPortugal20-01412/06/2004 Greece (1:2)26/06/2024 Georgia (0:2)
2Lothar MatthäusGermany20-00614/06/1980 Netherlands (3:2)20/06/2000 Portugal (0:3)
3Luka ModrićCroatia16-01608/06/2008 Austria (1:0)24/06/2024 Italy (1:1)
4PepePortugal16-01507/06/2008 Turkey (2:0)22/06/2024 Turkey (3:0)
5Dragan StojkovićYugoslavia16-01213/06/1984 Belgium (0:2)25/06/2000 Netherlands (1:6)
6Gheorghe HagiRomania 16-01014/06/1984 Spain (1:1)24/06/2000 Italy (0:2)
7Tomáš RosickýCzech Republic 16-00611/06/2000 Netherlands (0:1) 17/06/2016 Croatia (2:2)

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