Picture : 7 for Lionel Messi and Claudio Bravo !

Copa América 2024: players with most editions

For two participants of Copa America 2024, Lionel Messi and Claudio Bravo, this tournament is the 7th (and last) in their careers. 
They were added to the historical list of players who took part in 7+ editions of the tournament. Now there are 7 such players.
The record in this category has been held for a long time and will soon turn 100 years. It was set in an era when the Copa America was held almost every year. The owner of the achievement is Uruguayan Angel Romano. 
Since then, only one player has managed to equal him, Alex Aguinaga (Ecuador). 

 PlayerCountryEditionsGames by editionYears
1Ángel RomanoUruguay82-3-3-3-3-4-3-21916-17-19-20-21-22-24-26
2Álex AguinagaEcuador81-4-4-6-3-3-2-21987-89-91-93-95-99-01-04
3Héctor ScaroneUruguay73-4-3-2-4-2-11917-19-23-24-26-27-29
4Carlos BorjaBolivia74-2-2-4-4-3-41979-83-87-89-91-93-95
5Milton MelgarBolivia73-1-4-4-3-4-31983-87-89-91-93-95-97
6Claudio BravoChile71-4-3-6-6-5-12004-07-11-15-16-21-24
7Lionel MessiArgentina76-4-6-5-6-7-12007-11-15-16-19-21-24

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