The World’s Best One-Match Goalscorers 2024

Here is the ranking for players that scored most goals in a single match in the world football in 2024.
Though only so-called top-level games were taken into account (that is, national top tiers, national cups and official international tournaments), the feats from the ranking were mostly achieved in the competitions of quite modest quality. So, this category is presented more for curiosity.
Two forwards managed to score 7 goals each, Lee Harmon (Cook Islands) and Javier Gayoso (Philippines).
However, the list contains few profile names, first of all Erling Haaland (PICTURE) who made a penta-trick for the second year in a row; this time in a Man City’s game vs Luton in FA Cup. 

Lee HarmonCook Islands720/02/2024TupapaVaiala (US Samoa) 14-0OCLQ
Javier GayosoPhilippines729/05/2024KayaTuloy 9-0NL
Garbhan CoughlanRep. of Ireland606/04/2024 Cashmere Technical (NZ)Twenty 11 12-0NL
Tsukasa ShimomuraJapan629/06/2024One Taguig (Philippines)Garelli United 17-0NL
Gonzalo MastrianiUruguay526/01/2024América Mineiro (Brazil)Pouso Alegre 6-0RL
Erling HaalandNorway527/02/2024Manchester City (England)Luton 6-2NC
Flávio SilvaPortugal528/03/2024Persik Kediri (Indonesia)Persikabo 5-2NL
Garbhan CoughlanRep. of Ireland506/04/2024 Cashmere Technical (NZ)Nomads United 6-0NL
Souleymane DiabateMali520/04/2024Mohammedan (Bangladesh)Brothers Union 8-0NL
Finn McDanielPhilippines521/04/2024Stallion LagunaManila Montet  13-0NL
Iqraam RaynersSouth Africa527/04/2024StellenboschPolokwane 5-0NL
Germain HaewegeneNew Caledonia515/05/2024MagentaVaivase-Tai (Samoa) 8-0OCL
Mateo CassierraColombia 519/05/2024Zenit (Russia)Akhmat 5-1NL
RafaelsonBrazil526/05/2024Nam Dinh (Vietnam)Thanh Hoa 5-2NL
Benoný AndréssonIceland526/10/2024KRHK 7-0NL
Amadej MarošaSlovenia530/10/2024MuraZavrč 9-0NC

NL – National League, NC – National Cup, OCL(Q) – Oceanian Champions League (Qualifying).

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