The world’s toughest player 2024: João Victor

João Victor (picture), the 26-year-old Brazilian defender from Vasco da Gama, can be named the world’s toughest player of 2024 as he received the maximum number of red cards throughout the year (4).
Two other players (Alan Ruschel and Elvin Cafarguliyev) were also sent off 4 times, but they played more games during the year than João Victor (37). Details are in the table.
Very rare is the Cafarguliyev’s “achievement”: 24-year-old Azerbaijani defender of Karabakh was sent off three times in a year in matches of the same European tournament.

João Victor43708/03/2024Água Santa 3-3NC
Brazil  02/06/2024Flamengo 1-6NL
Vasco da Gama  30/08/2024Athletico Paranaense 2-1NC
   06/11/2024Botafogo 0-3NL
Alan Ruschel44808/02/2024Avenida 3-1RL
Brazil  13/07/2024Internacional 1-1NC
Juventude  04/08/2024Corinthians 1-1NL
   08/12/2024Cruzeiro 0-1NL
Elvin Cafarguliyev45322/02/2024Sporting Braga 2-3EL
Azerbaijan  14/03/2024Bayer Leverkusen 2-3EL
Qarabağ  02/08/2024Araz Naxçıvan 4-1NL
   24/10/2024Ajax 0-3EL

NL – National League, RL – Regional League, NC – National Cup, EL – Europa League.

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