Cristiano Ronaldo & Pepe: the pair with most joint Euro matches 

The pair Cristiano Ronaldo and Pepe became the first (and so far the only) in the history of the Euro to perform together in 5 editions of the competition. 
Two Portuguese super-veterans also form the first ever partnership with 20+ joint matches of the Euro finals (22).
Here we publish the ranking for the pairs of team-mates with most matches played together in the Euros. 
Considering the level of 15 matches and above, there are exactly 15 pairs. They can be are divided into three groups - German (3 players), Portuguese (4) and Spanish (4). All possible combinations of players inside each group are getting to this level. Besides them, there is no one else here.
Players that featured (or at least entered the squad lists) at Euro 2024 are highlighted in bold.

 Partner 1Partner 2GamesNationBy editionEditions
1Cristiano RonaldoPepe22Portugal3-5-6-4-408-12-16-20-24
2Manuel NeuerToni Kroos 19Germany4-6-4-512-16-20-24
3Cristiano RonaldoJoão Moutinho18Portugal3-5-6-408-12-16-20
4PepeJoão Moutinho18Portugal4-5-5-408-12-16-20
5Thomas MüllerManuel Neuer17Germany5-6-4-212-16-20-24
6Andrés IniestaCesc Fábregas16Spain6-6-408-12-16
7Cristiano RonaldoRui Patrício16Portugal5-7-412-16-20
8Thomas MüllerToni Kroos 16Germany4-6-4-212-16-20-24
9Andrés IniestaSergio Ramos15Spain5-6-408-12-16
10Andrés IniestaDavid Silva15Spain5-6-408-12-16
11Cesc FábregasSergio Ramos15Spain5-6-408-12-16
12Cesc FábregasDavid Silva15Spain5-6-408-12-16
13Sergio RamosDavid Silva15Spain5-6-408-12-16
14PepeRui Patrício15Portugal5-6-412-16-20
15João MoutinhoRui Patrício15Portugal5-6-412-16-20

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