The CONMEBOL Best Goal Scorer of XXI Century: Lionel Messi

Lionel Messi leads the ranking of best South American scorers in XXI century after 2023 with 821 goals.
In total, 19 representatives of the CONMEBOL countries have reached 300 top-level goals in this century; 11 of them are active (highlighted in bold).
7 other players are below 300 goals in XXI but reached this amount adding the goals from XX century having still scored a significant majority (not less than 65 percent) of their goals in XXI (so they can be conditionally categorized as the “goal-scorers of XXI century”). They are also listed in the table but not ranked.

 IN XXI CENTURY2001-2023       
1Lionel Messi Argentina 49771147106821 821
2Luis Suárez Uruguay388485368557 557
3Edinson CavaniUruguay276505658440 440
4NeymarBrazil257436079439 439
5Sergio Agüero  Argentina 282406341426 426
6Fred Brazil307413818404 404
7Ricardo OliveiraBrazil260863953901391
8Óscar CardozoParaguay278305612376 376
9Gonzalo HiguaínArgentina279173931366 366
10Luís FabianoBrazil23552402835515370
11HulkBrazil237336811349 349
12Radamel FalcaoColombia 225235936343 343
13Vágner LoveBrazil24427584333 333
14Magno AlvesBrazil2446915 32857385
15Dayro Moreno Colombia 28523153326 326
16Carlos TevezArgentina225414313322 322
17José Alfredo CastilloBolivia28941563144318
18Hernán BarcosArgentina2621036 308 308
19Esteban ParedesChile243232212300 300
 Sebastián Abreu Uruguay238122323296103399
 Alex Brazil 2363322529693389
 AraújoBrazil2097313 29549344
 Claudio PizarroPeru18532411727565340
 Kléber PereiraBrazil2033416 25375328
 Diego ForlánUruguay21515263629218310

DL – domestic leagues (national and regional top tier)
DC – relevant domestic cups
ICC – international club competitions
NT – national team

from January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2023 (for the ranking Total XXI);
from career start to December 31, 2023 (for the ranking Total Career).

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