Pictures : Sam Philip (up) and Rafinha (down) scored 8 goals each in one match in 2023 !

The World’s Best One-Match Goal-scorers 2023

Here is the ranking of best scorers in a single match in the world football in 2023 (taking into account national top tiers, national cups and official international games).
Two forwards managed to score 8 goals each, both in the leagues of low rank (below the top 100 national leagues): Sam Philip in New Zealand and Rafinha (full name Rafael de Sá Rodrigues) in Laos.
Of course, this category is more for curiosity, since most of the achievements in the table are of purely local level. But in the list of names we find 2 top players, Kylian Mbappé and Erling Haaland. They both had a game with 5 goals in 2023.
Haaland's penta-trick in the Champions League quarter-finals for Manchester City vs Bayer (7-0) is definitely the most valuable one-match feat in world football in 2023.

 RafinhaBrazil817.06.2023Master 7 (Laos)Viengchanh 14-1NL
 Sam Philip New Zealand827.08.2023Christchurch UnitedGreen Island 15-3NL
 Zurab MuselianiGeorgia702.12.2023GagraShukura 9-0NL
 NikiMacao604.06.2023Chao Pak KeiTak Chun Ka I 7-1NL
 Kylian MbappéFrance523.01.2023PSGPays de Cassel 7-0NC
 John Tumua LeoSamoa518.02.2023Lupe ole SoagaIlaoa and To'omata (Am. Samoa) 13-0OCL
 Erling HaalandNorway514.03.2023Manchester City (England)RB Leipzig 7-0CL
 Albert DabiqajKosovo 515.03.2023GjilaniTrepca 5-1NC
 JacksonBrazil518.03.2023Monte Carlo (Macao)Lun Lok 7-0NL
 JacksonBrazil522.03.2023Monte Carlo (Macao)Hang Sai 11-0NL
 RafinhaBrazil521.05.2023Master 7 (Laos)Champasak United 7-0NL
 Saidi Ntibazonkiza Burundi506.06.2023Simba (Tanzania) Polisi Tanzania 6-1 NL
 Somlith SengvannyLaos502.07.2023Luangprabang UnitedViengchanh 18-0NL
 Chi Son WongMacao530.07.2023Monte CarloToi Seng 6-1NL
 Lachlan BrookAustralia509.08.2023Western Sydney WanderersFloreat Athena 6-1


NL – National League, NC – National Cup, CL – (UEFA) Champions League, OCL – Oceanian Champions League.

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