Picture : With Al Nasr, Cristiano Ronaldo scored now 62 hat tricks and leads the ranking.

Players with most hat-tricks in XXI century

We update our ranking of players with most hat-tricks in XXI century (only top level games are considered).
Cristiano Ronaldo, after couple of new feats, for Al Nassr in February, leads it having now 62 hat-tricks including 41 in national leagues (NL), 2 in national cups (NC), 9 in international club competitions (ICC) and 10 in national team (NT).
Young generation stars, Mbappe and Haaland, have recently reached the mark of 15 hat-tricks.
The active players are taken in bold.
In brackets – number of additional hat-tricks made in XX century (applied to Lloyd Williams, Washington and Gruznov).
The right column (6+) mean 6 or more goals in a game (6 and 12 for Ashfaq, 7 for Bounedjah, 6 for Lloyd Williams, Suarez and Gruznov).
Tie-breakers: 1) most international hat-tricks (ICC+NT), 2) most for national team (NT), 2) most in national league, 3) aggregate “size” of hat-tricks (sum of goals in consideration).

 IN XXI CENTURY          
 PlayerCountryHT   TotalGoals   
   NLNCICCNT 3456+
1Cristiano Ronaldo Portugal412910625192 
2Lionel Messi Argentina 36488564862 
3Ali AshfaqMaldives 2163535171062
4Robert LewandowskiPoland16366312641 
5Luis Suárez Uruguay2322229208 1
6Ali Mabkhout UAE161 926242  
7Vyacheslav Zahovaiko Estonia224  262051 
8Marc Lloyd Williams Wales22(+7)2  24(+7)17(+4)2(+3)23
9Aleksandar ĐurićSingapore1741 22193  
11Sebastián Tagliabúe UAE1362 211911 
12Zlatan IbrahimovićSweden1222420164  
13Firas Al-Khatib Syria1341220173  
14Abderrazak HamdallahMorocco145 120164  
15Greg DraperNew Zealand173  201433 
16Harry Kane England 814518162  
17Sergio Agüero Argentina13131181521 
18Mario GómezGermany1223118144  
19Klaas-Jan HuntelaarNetherlands1314 18144  
20WashingtonBrazil14(+2)4  18(+2)14(+2)4  
21Baghdad BounedjahAlgeria134  1711411
22Erling HaalandNorway1121216142  
23Eran ZahaviIsrael911415132  
24Kylian MbappéFrance7422151221 
25Edinson CavaniUruguay12 2115132  
26José Alfredo CastilloBolivia14 1 15132  
27Maksim GruznovEstonia12(+3)3  15(+3)10(+1)1(+1)3(+1)1
28Tarmo NeemeloEstonia123  151041 

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