Picture : Cristiano Ronaldo is the sovereign leader of the All Time Ranking.

All-time IFFHS ranking for international goal-scorers

For the first time, we publish all-time ranking for the world's top international goal-scorers. They are credited with all goals scored in official international club competitions, both continental and global (ICC), and all goals scored for the national team in the “full internationals” (NT). 
In some cases, also the goals are counted from the games not registered by FIFA (but still held under standard rules between A teams).
So far, 27 players in the history have reached 100+ such goals. The last one to reach this landmark was Mohamed Salah. His goal for Liverpool in the Champions League game vs Ajax (3-0) on 26 October was the 100th international in his career. In total, Salah has scored by now 52 for clubs and 49 for Egypt.
The world record holder, with a large margin from others, is Cristiano Ronaldo (270 goals).
Active players are highlighted in bold.
In the case of equal total goals, the player with higher number of NT goals is placed higher.

 PlayerCountryCareerGoals  Total
1Cristiano Ronaldo Portugal 2002-152118 270
2Lionel Messi Argentina 2004-13798 235
3Robert LewandowskiPoland 2008-10078 178
4Gerd MüllerGermany1964-19816968 137
5NeymarBrazil2009-5977 136
6Karim BenzemaFrance2005-9137 128
7RaúlSpain1994-20157944 123
8Ali DaeiIran1994-200713109 122
9Ferenc PuskásHungary, Spain1943-19663884 122
10Luis Suárez Uruguay2005-5368 121
11Zlatan Ibrahimović Sweden1999-5762 119
12Edin DžekoBosnia and Herzegovina2003-5364 117
13Didier DrogbaIvory Coast2002-20165065 115
14Andriy ShevchenkoUkraine1992-20126748 115
15Edinson CavaniUruguay2005-5558 113
16RonaldoBrazil1993-20115062 112
17Thierry HenryFrance1994-20125951 110
18RomárioBrazil1985-20075455 109
19Romelu Lukaku Belgium2009-4068 108
20Samuel Eto'OCameroon 1999-20194956 105
21Sunil ChhetriIndia2002-2084 104
22Sergio Agüero  Argentina 2003-20216341 104
23PeléBrazil1957-19772677 103
24Miroslav KloseGermany1999-20163171 102
25Mohamed SalahEgypt2009-5249 101
26Bader Al-MutawaKuwait2003-4357 100
27EusébioPortugal 1957-19785941 100

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