Picture : Steve bloomer, a Legend of XIXth Century

Football in XIX century – Part 9
Most serial goal-scorers of national teams in XIX Century

This part of our XIX Century football series is about players who scored in most consecutive international games during the period in consideration (1872-1900).
The first streaks of 2 and 3 scoring games were done by Henry McNiel (Scotland, 1875-1876).
The first player to score in 4 consecutive games was Edward Charles Bambridge (England, 1879-1882), in 5 consecutive games – William Ker (Scotland, 1880-1882), in 6 – Tinsley Lindley (England, 1887-1888).
Next big push for this record was performed by most prolific goal-scorer of XIX Century Steve Bloomer who scored in each of his first 10 international games (1895-1899, total 19 goals during this run). So, he had actually no competitors in XIX Century also in this category.
Moreover, since then and up to now, only one player in the whole world has managed to surpass Bloomer’s feat and make a longer streak! 
In total, there were 5 cases in XIX Century when a player scored in 5+ consecutive international games (they are listed in the table).

1Steve BloomerEngland101895-189919
2Tinsley LindleyEngland61887-18889
3John GoodallEngland61891-18958
4George KerScotland51880-188210
5Robert Smyth McCollScotland51896-189910

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