Picture : Rogiero Ceni, Goalscorer and Goalkeeper !

The World’s Highest Scoring Goalkeeper of Decade 2011-2020: Rogério Ceni (Brazil)

Despite having played only a half of the decade (5 years out of 10), Rogério Ceni hadn’t competition in this category.
The legendary Brazilian have scored in top level games, since Jan 1, 2011 until finishing his phenomenal career in 2015, 36 goals from penalties and free kicks. 
It was just a small part of his unbelievable total career tally (129 goals) but no one was able to compete with him even in the frame of this decade. Nearest to him Exar Rosales and Mario Villasanti have scored “modest” 10 goals each. 
Only 11 goalkeepers managed to scored 7 and more goals during the decade. 8 of them played in South American leagues.

 GoalkeeperCountryGoals   TotalClubs
1Rogério CeniBrazil3024 36São Paulo 11-15
2Exar RosalesPeru9 1 10Comerciantes Unidos 16-17
3Mario VillasantiParaguay 91  10Ayacucho 12-17
4Márcio*Brazil7 2 9Atlético Goianiense 11-16
5Luis ArdenteArgentina 9   9San Martín  11-20
6Isli Hidi Albania 72  9Olympiakos Nicosia 10-11, Bylis 19-20
7Kennedy MweeneZambia6  28Free State Stars 11–13
8Miloš Radanović Montenegro7 1 8Rudar 13-17 
9Sebastián VieraUruguay 6 1 7Atlético Junior 11-20
10Diego Matías RodríguezArgentina 7   7Independiente 11-17
11Sebastián SajaArgentina 7   7Racing Club 11–16

*full name: Márcio Luiz Silva Lopes Santos Souza


All goals at top senior level are counted (top national divisions, national cups, official international club tournaments, official games between national teams).


Brazilian state championships Paulista and Carioca have status equal to national leagues (according to IFFHS decision).
































NL – National League











NC – National Cups











ICC – International Club Competitions











NT – National Team





















Period:from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2020.











Tiebreaking criteria in case of equal number of total goals: 1) international goals (ICC + NT), 2) goals scored for national team (NT), 3) goals scored in domestic league (NL).












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