The UEFA Best Goal Scorer of XXI Century: Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo leads the ranking of best European scorers in XXI century after 2023 with 873 goals.
In total, 31 representatives of the UEFA countries have reached 50 top-level goals in this century (active are highlighted in bold).
11 other players are below 300 goals in XXI but reached this amount adding the goals from XX century having still scored a significant majority (not less than 65 percent) of their goals in XXI (so they can be conditionally categorized as the “goal-scorers of XXI century”). They are also listed in the table but not ranked.

 IN XXI CENTURY2001-2023       
1Cristiano Ronaldo Portugal 53252161128873 873
2Robert LewandowskiPoland 3755310282612 612
3Zlatan Ibrahimović Sweden3934657625583561
4Karim BenzemaFrance2904410137472 472
5Edin DžekoBosnia and Herzegovina254335865410 410
6Eran ZahaviIsrael269444734394 394
7David Villa Spain280182859385 385
8Klaas-Jan HuntelaarNetherlands257285542382 382
9Romelu Lukaku Belgium219254983376 376
10Harry Kane England234244962369 369
11Wayne RooneyEngland231314553360 360
12Dejan Damjanović Montenegro26839438358 358
13Bafétimbi GomisFrance 26237483350 350
14Robbie KeaneRepublic of Ireland22434236134227369
15André-Pierre Gignac France28018327337 337
16Thierry HenryFrance23215424333279411
17Nemanja NikolićHungary23967148328 328
18Robin van PersieNetherlands204392950322 322
19Marcus Berg Sweden 230293924322 322
20Rhys Griffiths Wales272444 320 320
21Mario GómezGermany205304231308 308
22Kylian MbappéFrance182354346306 306
23Martin KamburovBulgaria 287181 3062308
 Marc Lloyd Williams Wales23639  27590365
 Ruud van NistelrooyNetherlands15928623428381364
 Maksim GruznovEstonia199263 228109337
 Dimitar BerbatovBulgaria 18129274628342325
 Roy MakaayNetherlands1682327622497321
 Dirk KuytNetherlands21326292429227319
 Alessandro Del PieroItaly152202513210109319
 Francesco TottiItaly2011330524967316
 Alexander Frei Switzerland19119304228225307
 Miroslav KloseGermany1692529712948302
 Frank Lampard England17342252926932301

NL – National League
NC – National Cups
ICC – International Club Competitions
NT – National Team

Tie-breaker: more international goals (ICC + NT).
from January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2023 (for the ranking Total XXI);
from career start to December 31, 2023 (for the ranking Total Career).

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